EU agency calls for more transparency on chemicals in consumer products
EU agency calls for more transparency on chemicals in consumer products
BEUC NEWS - 01.06.2016
Last week the EU chemicals agency, ECHA, announced that the use of chemicals in Europe is getting safer. This comes out of ECHA’s second five-year progress report on the two main EU chemicals laws1.
However, the agency highlights a number of areas where improvements should be made, namely:
- The quality of registration dossiers
ECHA recommends that the European Commission clarify the manufacturers’ legal obligations to update and improve the data they submit. Without quality information, the agency and Member States cannot prioritise accurately which chemicals of concern deserve the most regulatory attention.
- Better information to consumers
ECHA calls for EU citizens to receive more reliable information on the presence of dangerous chemicals in the products they buy. This includes, for example, consumers’ right to be informed about the presence of hormone disrupting plastic softeners (phthalates) in children’s’ toys or clothing. ECHA acknowledges the shortcomings of the current legal information requirement and suggests a fundamental review of these obligations.
For more information on BEUC’s position on safety, visit our dedicated page.
1 i.e. the REACH Regulation and the Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation).
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs