Discussion paper: EU competition law and digital economy
Discussion paper: EU competition law and digital economy
BEUC NEWS - 23.08.2018
The digital economy is playing an increasingly important role in shaping our society and the creation of people's welfare. However, it also raises new questions about what role competition law enforcement should play in digital markets.
Prof. Ariel Ezrachi (University of Oxford), academic advisor to BEUC, prepared a discussion paper which looks at the EU competition goals emerging from the EU treaties and case-law and suggests how these goals should guide competition enforcement authorities and courts when applying EU competition law.
We invite comments on the paper, and beyond, from competition authorities, academics, practitioners and other interested parties.
Read the full discussion paper here. Please send your comments and remarks to: competition@beuc.eu
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs