Dating app Happn shares users’ data with others



Dating app Happn shares users’ data with others

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Dating app Happn shares users’ data with others

BEUC NEWS - 03.02.2016

The popular dating app Happn is sharing user data which is in violation of its own terms, the Norwegian Consumer Council has revealed.

A technical analysis performed on behalf of the Norwegian Consumer Council by the research institution SINTEF shows that key user data is frequently being shared with the tracking firm UpSight. Information from users’ Facebook accounts, such as name, age, workplace and gender are also being shared when using the app.

This comes as a surprise to consumers. Happn brands itself in the Apple App Store and Google Play as "100 percent safe and confidential" and promises not to share data or user identity with other parties.

Happn is not the only application mishandling consumers’ data. The Norwegian Consumer Council is looking into additional revelations about apps that breach consumer and privacy law.

In response to these malpractices, the Norwegian Consumer Council has set up the #appfail campaign, which aims to gather consumer support to make apps respect data privacy.

By clicking on the button below, consumers raise their voices against apps abusing basic consumer rights.



Watch the hidden camera video «Apps can sell your pictures #appfail».