Consumer groups’ eight solutions to weather the cost-of-living crisis
Consumer groups’ eight solutions to weather the cost-of-living crisis
BEUC NEWS - 20.02.2023
From sky-high energy bills and food products prices to medicine shortages and rising scams, consumers from across Europe are having a hard time. The cost-of-living crisis is not just hitting marginal segments of our society - which would already be bad enough - it is also hitting the middle class. But there are solutions at hand for policymakers and companies to help consumers weather the storm.
BEUC has defined eight solutions to help consumers, inspired from what our member organisations groups have witnessed at the national level and called for. For instance, OCU has reported to the Spanish Antitrust Authority examples of ‘shrinkflation’ practices - which boils down to selling less for the same price. Or think VAT reduced to 0% for fruit, vegetables and pulses, as requested by our German member vzbv.
These solutions are:
1. Setting up price watchdogs
2. Acting on energy prices
3. Tackling unfair commercial practices that exploit this crisis
4. Boosting energy efficiency of homes
5. Making healthy food available and affordable for all
6. Preventing overindebtedness
7. Working with consumer organisations
8. Addressing medicines shortages and price hikes
For a full overview of BEUC’s work on the crisis, head to our dedicated webpage.
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs