Consumer food choices at the heart of the Milan expo 2015



Consumer food choices at the heart of the Milan expo 2015

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Consumer food choices at the heart of the Milan expo 2015

“Making healthy and sustainable food choices: the easy option for consumers” is the title of the conference organised by Altroconsumo and BEUC at the Milan Expo, on 25 September 2015.

The global population is expected to reach over 9 billion by 2050 leading to an increasing demand for food. Between 2010 and 2012 approximately 2.8 million people died from diseases related to obesity, while in the same period approximately 870 million people were undernourished. In addition, about 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year.

These figures clearly show the need for action to make our diets healthier and more sustainable. A sustainable food system guarantees safe, affordable and healthy food for all and doesn’t use natural resources at a pace that exceeds the Earth’s capacity to replenish them.

The conference, which is open to the public, will be structured around three panel debates followed by Q&A sessions. Academics, policy makers, industry and civil society experts will discuss how to encourage healthy and sustainable food production and consumption and how to help consumers make informed food choices.

High level speakers, including Professor Tim Lang (UCL), Professor Alberto Alemanno (HEC/NYU) and Dr. Roberto Bertollini- Chief Scientist and WHO Representative to the EU, will be among the panellists. The event will be moderated by the EU affairs journalist, Dave Keating.

Full details of the conference programme are available here.

The event will be livestreamed via this link on the day. To follow the discussion on Twitter, use the hashtag #foodchoices.

If you are travelling to Milan for the Expo, Altroconsumo has put together this guide to provide useful information regarding travel, accommodation, shopping and more in Milan.

Conference material will be available through this website after the completion of the event.