Conference - From bashing to praising Ecodesign, June 15th



Conference - From bashing to praising Ecodesign, June 15th

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Conference - From bashing to praising Ecodesign, June 15th

BEUC NEWS - 24.05.2016

On Wednesday June 15th, during the EU Sustainable energy week, BEUC will co-organise a conference with its sister organisation ANEC. The event will mark the launch of new research looking into the benefits of Ecodesign policies for European consumers.


Many of us might not be aware that many products in our homes are “ecodesigned”, which means they are less polluting over time. This is due to the EU’s Ecodesign Directive which improves the energy performance of household products and reduces their environmental impact. Only the products that fulfil the minimum Ecodesign requirements are allowed on the European shelves.

Panellists from the European institutions, environmental NGOs, industry, retailers, and consumer representatives will react to the newly published figures and identify actions to make Ecodesign policies match real-life conditions with consumers’ needs.


Click here to log in and register
See agenda
See ANEC and BEUC page on Ecodesign


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The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs

Pauline Constant, BEUC
Pauline Constant
Director, Communications