Conference | Are SMEs Consumer Law Ready?



Conference | Are SMEs Consumer Law Ready?

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Conference | Are SMEs Consumer Law Ready?

BEUC NEWS - 31.10.2018

Of the 22 million companies operating in the EU today, 99.8% are small and medium-sized enterprises. Helping them to comply with the latest consumer legislation contributes to a more vibrant Single Market, both for consumers and businesses alike.

BEUC, EUROCHAMBRES, SMEunited, the European Parliament and the European Commission are jointly organising a conference to discuss how to best support SMEs and what the challenges and opportunities are in e-commerce.

Participants from all over Europe will come to share their experience of working with SMEs on the ground. In particular, the event will include testimonials from small businesses as well as interactive sessions with national and local trainers.

WHEN | Tuesday 27 November, from 14h00 to 18h30
WHERE | European Parliament, room JAN 4Q1

Download the full programme.
Follow the live-stream of the conference from 14:30 CET.

Interpretation will be available in French, German, English and three more languages based on the demand expressed in the registration form.
The conference is organised with the support of the IMCO secretariat.

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florence punzano
Florence Punzano
Senior Safety Policy Advisor