BEUC teams up with energy players and EU Commission to help consumers through the crisis



BEUC teams up with energy players and EU Commission to help consumers through the crisis

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BEUC teams up with energy players and EU Commission to help consumers through the crisis

BEUC NEWS - 15.12.2022

The ongoing energy crisis is having an unprecedented impact on consumers, putting household finances under increasing strain. That is why BEUC has teamed up with the energy industry and regulators to create an emergency package of measures to help consumers.

Addressing this crisis will require some medium- to long-term measures, such as the mass roll-out of heat pumps, more renewables and increased electrification.

However, this change will not happen overnight. Consumers are struggling to pay their bills today. That’s why together with energy suppliers, distribution system operators, and regulators – with the support of the European Commission – BEUC has signed a declaration that will help provide urgent relief to struggling consumers.

The declaration contains a number of emergency measures for the energy industry to help consumers, including:
1.    Bill deferrals, together with alternative payment plans
2.    Avoidance of disconnections
3.    Avoidance of unilateral price increases
4.    Providing clearer and more transparent information on energy contract conditions and pricing as well as advice to consumers.

Now it’s up to EU Member States and energy companies to make this declaration happen. It is particularly important that energy companies inform their customers that help is available and that they are ready to support consumers in case of difficulties.

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