BEUC to hold panel at major data protection conference on 24 May
BEUC to hold panel at major data protection conference on 24 May
BEUC NEWS - 19.04.2022
While Big Tech companies have ‘moved fast and broken things’ as the motto goes, enforcement has had to play catch up. The lines between competition law, consumer protection law and data protection law have blurred, which has created a number of challenges for public authorities.
BEUC is holding a panel debate at the major Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) annual conference, on Tuesday 24 May 2022 in Brussels, to look at how to tackle practices which break laws in different areas and in several countries at the same time, while ensuring the relevant public authorities are acting in a joined-up way.
We will be addressing the following questions:
How are existing EU enforcement structures in various areas cooperating with each other?
How can we achieve effective interdisciplinary enforcement to tackle systemic issues undermining our rights and freedoms in the digital world?
Is data protection the area that connects all the dots? What about consumer rights protection or competition?
What role for private enforcement actions (e.g., via consumer and other civil society organisations) to drive change and ensure an interdisciplinary approach to enforcement?
Interdisciplinary data protection enforcement in the digital economy
24 May | 11:45-13:00 | Area 42 (Grand) | Rue des Palais 46 | 1030 Bruxelles
Moderator: Ursula Pachl, BEUC
Cecilia Tisell, Swedish Consumer Authority
Isabelle Buscke, Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv)
Hans Micklitz, European University Institute
Tobias Judin, Norwegian DPA
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs