BEUC and EnergieVision kickstart renewable energy project



BEUC and EnergieVision kickstart renewable energy project

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BEUC and EnergieVision kickstart renewable energy project

BEUC NEWS - 23.01.2015

The European Union is inching along the path to increased use of clean, renewable, energy sources. However, consumers still face hurdles to boosting their green energy use.

BEUC and EnergieVision have started a project to make sure consumers who want to ‘go green’ get what they want.

‘Additionality’ & better information

Green energy suppliers do not always actually produce a single clean kilowatt-hour themselves. A producer of electricity from fossil fuels can buy “guarantees of origin” from renewable energy producers – a facade of clean electricity production for clients. We believe that in all cases consumers should be fully informed as to the content of their energy supplier’s offer.

Consumers who opt for green electricity usually want to do something better for the environment. Therefore, suppliers selling green electricity should actually produce additional clean energy rather than buying a certificate.

The future: Self-generation

Buying green energy is one thing. But people in Europe increasingly produce their own renewable energy to light or heat their houses. This contributes to climate protection and can help reduce household energy costs

Millions of consumers producing their own energy will positively affect our energy market and its infrastructure. Responding to these challenges must put the consumer – and the environment – at the forefront.

Our project

In partnership with EnergieVision, BEUC will investigate what can be done to improve transparency and choice for consumers interested in renewable energy and support those who want to become their own energy supplier. Based on this work we will then subsequently make recommendations to European decision makers.