Arnold Koopmans from Dutch consumer group Consumentenbond becomes BEUC’s new president
Arnold Koopmans from Dutch consumer group Consumentenbond becomes BEUC’s new president
BEUC NEWS - 16.03.2022
Arnold Koopmans for and on behalf of the Dutch consumer organisation Consumentenbond has just been elected as the new BEUC President for a four-year term. Mr Koopmans is succeeding to Klaus Müller, who recently took over the leadership of the German Energy, Transport and Telecom regulator (Bundesnetzagentur).
Luís Silveira Rodrigues, from Portuguese consumer group DECO Associação, remains BEUC’s Vice-President.
Arnold Koopmans commented on his new role:
“I look forward to work with the professional secretariat of BEUC and of course all the professionals from the BEUC member organisations. They are what it is all about. A network of knowledge, lobbying, activism, capacity building and consumer support. I am happy to be part of that network. It is not the president that makes the difference, it is the BEUC and its members. I will support where I can.
“I see a very interesting and challenging future for the 60 years young BEUC. Consumer legislation has developed hugely during the 60 years of BEUC’s existence. But even after 60 years a lot still needs to be done. Market structures have changed and are still changing, technological developments have impacted the way we interact with businesses, and how and what we buy. The Green Deal will have a huge impact on every consumer and the support they need. New generations demand different services and collective redress legislation changes the field in which we as consumer organisations operate.”
About Arnold Koopmans: Arnold is a lawyer for the Dutch consumer association Consumentenbond, with almost 15 years’ experience as chairman of the Consumer Affairs Committee of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW). To name a few of his other functions, he sits in the advisory committee on consumer legislation and consumer affairs for the Dutch government. He is also board member of the Dutch institute for Consumer Disputes.
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs