Advocacy group for competition in telecom sector launched



Advocacy group for competition in telecom sector launched

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Advocacy group for competition in telecom sector launched

BEUC NEWS - 16.11.2015

Today, consumer organisations, internet rights groups and telecom challengers have launched #NetCompetition, an alliance to promote real choice, innovation, freedom of communication and affordable services in the telecommunications sector.

The European Commission is getting ready for a major review of the rules governing the entire telecommunications sector. Under pressure from incumbent telecom companies, rules ensuring competition are under pressure. Instead, these big players ask for consolidation of the sector, in both fixed and mobile markets, to reduce the number of competitors, in exchange for promises of investment. 

BEUC considers that competition is an essential ingredient for any market to deliver benefits to consumers. But competition alone is not enough: A strong framework of consumer rights is necessary for consumers to reap the benefits of a competitive market. The review of Europe’s telecommunication rules is a unique opportunity to update the sector’s consumer protection framework and ensure that barriers to switching are removed, unfair conditions eliminated, and consumers get accurate information and effective redress.

Click here for the founding principles and related press release.