Ecodesign is a policy that delivers for people in times of energy crisis. To tap its full potential, it needs to be better funded.



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Ecodesign is a policy that delivers for people in times of energy crisis. To tap its full potential, it needs to be better funded.

Published on 04.05.2023

About this publication

Our study published on 4 May 2023 demonstrates that the European Commission’s ambitious
policy in Ecodesign delivers to the environment and to the people. To tap its full potential, we ask the European Commission to allocate to sufficient financial and human resources to the further development of Ecodesign measures.

This letter is addressed to the European Commission's Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans, and was also sent to Commissioners Breton, Hahn, Reynders, Simson, and Sinkevičius. 

Our study 'ENERGY-SAVING APPLIANCES: the silent money makers in consumers’ homes' is available here.
