Getting rid of greenwashing in the EU: how to restore consumer confidence in green claims
Getting rid of greenwashing in the EU: how to restore consumer confidence in green claims
About this event:
Everyone agrees that greenwashing is a bad thing. It’s bad for consumers and it’s bad for the planet. However, not everyone agrees on how to define it and, more importantly, how to tackle it.
In the last couple of years, the number of products on the market making green claims (like ‘sustainable,’ ‘eco-friendly,’ or ‘green’) has dramatically increased. The problem is, these claims are little more than that: claims. It’s very difficult for consumers to check whether these claims have any meaning – in other words, to check whether what they’re buying is actually green.
As part of the European Commission’s New Consumer Agenda, the European Green Deal and its Circular Economy Action Plan, it plans to introduce legislation by the end of 2021 to empower the consumer for the green transition and on substantiating green claims.
One way that the Commission could help put a stop to the scourge of these unsubstantiated green claims on the market is to introduce a procedure whereby claims are verified before they reach the market.
Join us on 7 October in the latest of our series of #ConsumerDebates events to discuss:
- How a pre-approval procedure could help regain consumer confidence in green claims
- What the changes would mean for consumers and how they would help them consume sustainably
Speakers include:
- Monique Goyens, Director General, BEUC (introduction)
- David Cormand, MEP (keynote)
Panel discussion:
- Claus Jorgensen, Forbrugerrådet Tænk (Danish consumer organisation)
- Evelyne Terryn, law professor from KU Leuven
- Michelle Gibbons, Director General AIM – The European Brands Association
- Reaction from Emmanuelle Maire, Head of Unit, B1 DG ENV, European Commission
- Moderated by Dave Keating, journalist
When? 7 October 2021 | 10:00 - 11:15 (CEST, Brussels time) | online