#ConsumerDebates | Towards Toxic-Free Food Packaging



#ConsumerDebates | Towards Toxic-Free Food Packaging

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#ConsumerDebates | Towards Toxic-Free Food Packaging

About this event:

Over recent years, consumer groups have uncovered toxic chemicals in all sorts of food packages, ranging from disposable bowls and plates to paper napkins and coffee cups. The latest test, released on 27 May, found persistent chemicals in non-plastic tableware, such as paper straws and palm leaf plates. Over half of sampled packages contained one or more unwanted chemicals above recommended levels (53%). Such findings raise serious concerns for the protection of both our health and the environment.

With many single-use plastic items about to be banned in the EU (as of 3 July 2021), food businesses and consumers are increasingly turning to alternatives made of bamboo, paper, or palm leaves. Unlike plastics, no EU rules govern the chemicals used or present in such food packaging materials.

The 2020 Farm to Fork Strategy announces a revision of EU food packaging legislation to ensure food safety and public health. This event will look at how decision makers can make the most of the revision to ensure that the materials and products in contact with our food are safe and sustainable.


1) Conversation – Why paper straws, plastic wraps, and coffee cups matter to consumers 

  • Christel Schaldemose, MEP (S&D)
  • Monique Goyens, Director General, BEUC

2) Evidence from recent consumer testing – Are single use plastic alternatives safe and sustainable?

  • Stine Müller, Project Manager, Forbrugerrådet Tænk (Danish Consumer Council)
  • Cécile Lelasseux, Project Manager, UFC-Que Choisir (French consumer organisation)

3) Talking about the future – How to make the most of the upcoming revision of EU food packaging legislation.

  • Claire Bury, Deputy Director General, DG SANTE
  • Malene Teller Blume, Quality manager, Coop DK
  • Jane Muncke, Executive Director, Food Packaging Forum
  • Klaus Müller, President of German consumer group Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) and President of BEUC.


When? 15 June 2021 | 13:00 - 14:30 (CEST, Brussels time) | online