#ConsumerDebate | European Health Data Space: use or abuse of consumers’ health data?



#ConsumerDebate | European Health Data Space: use or abuse of consumers’ health data?

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#ConsumerDebate | European Health Data Space: use or abuse of consumers’ health data?

The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) would like to invite you to the presentation online of survey results from 8 EU countries on consumers’ attitudes towards health data, followed by an online debate about the European Health Data Space legislation currently under discussion in Brussels.


The value of health data is without doubt. Everything related to our health, such as the latest ailments we had, our medical prescriptions or our blood pressure, says something about the state of our bodies and minds. Medical and health records provide very useful information for doctors, but it can also be of value to public health authorities and governments, researchers and businesses across industries.

Yet what do consumers think about sharing their health data? Who should have access to it? And for what purposes?

As the EU builds a European health data space, where data can be shared and is interoperable with entities across member states, we carried out a survey to look at what consumers think, an area where there has been surprisingly little research.

We will present the results of our survey which will then feed into a panel discussion about what the European Health Data Space legislation should look like.


09:30-09:40 Introduction by Monique Goyens, BEUC
09:40-09:50 Presentation of consumer survey results on health data by Sylvia Maurer, BEUC
09:50-11:15 Panel:

 -   Fulvia Raffaelli, European Commission
 -   Maria Roubtsova, UFC-Que Choisir
 -   Sara Roda, Standing Committee of European Doctors
 -   Petar Vitanov MEP
 -   George Veliotes, Insurance Europe
 -   Monique Goyens, BEUC