#ConsumerDebate | The consumer switch to heat pumps: how to turn the EU’s plans into action



#ConsumerDebate | The consumer switch to heat pumps: how to turn the EU’s plans into action

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#ConsumerDebate | The consumer switch to heat pumps: how to turn the EU’s plans into action

Millions of consumers in Europe today rely on fossil fuels like gas to heat their homes. For Europe to meet its climate targets, this will have to change – meaning both a cultural and technological shift.

Heat pumps have a big role to play in the transition, but consumers can face obstacles, ranging from up-front costs to the difficulty in finding an accredited installer. With the European Commission working on a Heat Pump Action Plan, BEUC is taking this opportunity to highlight how this plan can address consumers’ concerns.

In this latest instalment of BEUC’s #ConsumerDebates events, we will present the findings of our heat pump ‘mystery shopping’ project, looking into the practical difficulties consumers may face when shifting to green heating. This will be followed by a panel debate on how to ease the transition to heat pumps for consumers.



Presentation of ‘mystery shopping’ findings and recommendations for the Heat Pump Action Plan– Paz Serra, Project manager at CECU (Spanish consumer organisation), followed by a panel discussion:

  • Jozefien Vanbecelaere, Head of EU Affairs, European Heat Pump Association
  • Paula Rey Garcia, Deputy Head of Unit B3, DG ENER, European Commission
  • Monique Goyens, Director General, BEUC
  • Alberto Sota Ruiz, Heat Pump business manager, Iberdrola Smart Clima
  • Cristina Pricop, Policy Manager, European Public Health Alliance

Moderated by Anna Gumbau, Energy journalist.