Air Passenger Rights – travel chaos

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Air Passenger Rights – travel chaos

Air Passenger Rights – travel chaos

Air Passenger Rights – travel chaos

Following thousands of complaints from upset airline passengers, BEUC – and 11 of its member organisations – reported some major airlines to national consumer protection authorities and the European Commission in July 2020 for breaching passenger rights and for using unfair commercial practices.

BEUC and its members are also asking for a broad investigation of the sector regarding wide-spread unfair practices during the COVID crisis.

Major airlines told to comply with passenger rights following BEUC complaint. They also committed to be more transparent to consumers about their rights, to proactively reach out to consumers forced to accept vouchers for cancelled flights (a commitment that Wizzair and Iberia refused) and inform them of their right to a refund as of now. Airlines must also clear their backlog of reimbursements.

Coronavirus - Vols annulés: des organisations de consommateurs saisissent la Commission européenne
Le Soir (22 July 2020)
“L'organisation de consommateurs Test Achats, ainsi que le Bureau européen des unions de consommateurs (BEUC) ont porté plainte à la Commission européenne, contre des compagnies aériennes qui, à leurs yeux, ne respectent pas le droit des voyageurs, annonce Test Achats mercredi. L'obligation d'accepter un bon valoir au lieu d'un remboursement, le manque d'informations ou les informations fausses sur les sites de réservation en cas d'annulation sont les principales accusations.”

Los consumidores europeos denuncian a las aerolíneas por prácticas desleales
El Mundo (22 July 2020)
“Informan de que las principales empresas del sector "violaron los derechos de los pasajeros" durante la pandemia ya que no ofrecieron reembolsos y transmitieron información engañosa.”

Des compagnies aériennes européennes accusées de ne pas respecter le droit des passagers
Le Monde (22 July 2020)
“Une organisation représentante de consommateurs pointe du doigt huit compagnies qui « bafouent les droits des passagers », s’agissant notamment du droit au remboursement en cas de vol annulé.”

BEUC calls for broad investigation into unfair commercial practices by airlines during pandemic
Agence Europe (22 July 2020)
“The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) on Wednesday 22 July once again denounced the unfair practices of the major airlines observed in recent months and called for an investigation into these practices, which have been "widespread in the sector" since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Associação europeia de consumidores coloca TAP na lista negra dos reembolsos 
Publico (22 July 2020)

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The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs

Alexandre Biard, BEUC
Alexandre Biard
Head of Consumer Redress and Enforcement
Steven Berger, BEUC
Steven Berger
Senior Legal Officer
Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer