Consumer Law ready
Consumer Law ready
Consumer Law Ready is a specialist training programme designed specifically for Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The project aims to help SMEs understand and comply with the latest EU and national consumer laws. Through training resources and events, SMEs gain critical knowledge of consumer law, enabling them to enhance their customer service and to build stronger consumer trust in their businesses.
Since 2018 Consumer Law Ready has developed a network of 22 lead trainers at national level and over 2,000 local trainers in 22 EU Member States which train SMEs at national level.
Should you like to know more about the project, visit or contact the consortium at
Supported by the European institutions since 2017, Consumer Law Ready is a collaborative project managed by Eurochambres in partnership with BEUC and SMEunited. The cooperation of the three partners brings our respective members at local level closer, thus contributing to the uniqueness of this project.
BEUC, The European Consumer Organisation is a Brussels-based umbrella group of 44 independent national consumer organisations from 31 European countries. BEUC was created to promote, defend and represent the interests of European consumers in the elaboration and implementation of EU policies. BEUC is partner in the project.
Representing European Chambres of Commerce and Industry, Eurochambres acts as the eyes, ears and voice of the Chambers and business community. Eurochambres represents more than 20 million businesses through its members and a network of 1,700 regional and local chambers across Europe. Eurochambres is the leading voice for the broad business community at EU level, building on chambers’ strong connections with the grass roots economy and their hands-on support to entrepreneurs. Eurochambres is the coordinator of the project.
SMEunited is the association of Crafts and SMEs, with around 70 member organisations from over 30 European countries. SMEunited represents national cross-sectoral Craft and SME federations, European SME branch organisations and associate members and speaks on behalf of the 22,5 million SMEs in Europe which employ almost 82,4 million people. SMEunited is partner in this project.
If you want to contact the consortium, find us at
National Trainings for SMEs: Trainers at national and local level deliver training sessions. They are experts in consumer law and use the Consumer Law Ready methodology to ensure they provide relevant guidance and support.
European Level Support: At the European level, our consortium members are continuously developing new materials and organising European workshops for trainers. These workshops ensure that our trainers remain can effectively support SMEs across Europe.
As part of the project, several online resources have been developed and are available on the Consumer Law Ready website:
Modules on:
- Pre-contractual information requirements
- Consumer right of withdrawal from contracts
- Consumer rights and guarantees
- Unfair commercial practices and contract terms
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)
Horizontal factsheets:
- Collective Redress
- General Data Protection Regulation
- SMEs tips in the context of the COVID–19 pandemic