Choose to Lose with Meta
Choose to Lose with Meta
Meta has been rolling out changes to its service in the EU in November 2023 which require Facebook and Instagram users to, either consent to the processing of their data for advertising purposes by the company, or pay in order not to be shown advertisements.
However, the tech giant’s pay-or-consent approach is unfair and must be stopped.
BEUC has filed a complaint with the network of consumer protection authorities (CPC) on grounds of Meta engaging in unfair commercial practices in multiple ways:
Meta is partially blocking the use of Facebook and Instagram until users have selected one option or the other, which constitutes an aggressive practice under European consumer law. Through persistence and by creating a sense of urgency, Meta pushes consumers into making a choice they might not want to take.
In addition, many consumers likely think that, by opting for the paid subscription as it is presented, they get a privacy-friendly option involving less tracking and profiling. In fact, users are likely to continue to have their personal data collected and used, but for purposes other than ads.
Meta provides misleading and incomplete information to consumers which does not allow them to make an informed choice. Meta is misleading them by presenting the choice as between a paying and a ‘free’ option, while the latter option is not ‘free’ because consumers pay Meta through the provision of their data, as past court rulings have already declared.
Given the market power of Meta's Facebook and Instagram services in the EU and the very strong network effects of social media platforms (since all your friends are on Facebook and Instagram), consumers do not have a real choice because if they quit the services they would lose all their contacts and interactions built over the years. The very high subscription fee for ‘ad-free’ services is also a deterrent for consumers, which means consumers do not have a real choice.
The BEUC members participating in this action are: Асоциация Активни потребители (Bulgaria), dTest (Czech Republic), Forbrugerrådet Tænk (Denmark), UFC-Que Choisir (France), EKPIZO & KEPKA (Greece), Adiconsum (Italy), Latvijas Patērētāju interešu aizstāvības asociācija (Latvia), Vartotojų aljansas (Lithuania), Consumentenbond (Netherlands), Forbrukerrådet (Norway), Federacja Konsumentów & Fundacja Konsumentów (Poland), Spoločnosť ochrany spotrebiteľov (S.O.S.) Poprad (Slovakia), ZPS (Slovenia), Asufin & CECU (Spain), Sveriges Konsumenter (Sweden), Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs (Luxembourg) .
The CPC network brings together the authorities responsible for consumer protection in every EU Member States. They work together to investigate possible infringements of consumer law and make sure existing laws are enforced.
We have alerted them about Meta’s practice and we want them to take action.
At the very least, Meta should:
Stop saying that the unpaid option is ‘free’,
Not confront people with the choice between a very expensive, ad-free, seemingly more privacy-friendly option and having their behaviour tracked and profiled,
Give consumers the possibility to think about their choice (for example by adding a “decide later” button)
Be explicit about what data the tech giant will continue to collect and share under the paid option).
PRESS RELEASE | Consumer groups red card Meta’s latest pay-or-consent policy, January 2025
SUMMARY REPORT | BEUC assessment of Meta’s latest pay-or-consent policy for Facebook and Instagram users, January 2025
LETTER | January 2025
Authorities back consumer groups in taking action against Meta pay-or-consent policy
22 July 2024
Consumer groups file complaint against Meta’s unfair pay-or-consent model
30 November 2023
External alert about Meta’s new paid subscription scheme for ad-free services on Facebook and Instagram
November 2023
An assessment of Meta’s new paid-subscription model from a consumer law perspective
November 2023
Meta’s ‘Consent Or Pay’ Model Challenged In EU
Forbes (30 November 2023)
“According to the European Consumer Organisation, BEUC, providing this choice falls foul of EU consumer law and amounts to unfair commercial practices."
L’abonnement de Facebook et Instagram peut-il être jugé illégal en Europe ?
RTL (30 November 2023)
“Around twenty civil society groups are attacking Meta after it put in place a payment option for consumers to avoid having their data collected for advertising reasons.”
Meta enfrenta una denuncia colectiva europea por su nueva suscripción de pago: «Es injusta e ilegal»
ABC (30 November 2023)
“The deputy director general of the European Consumer Organisation, Ursula Pachl, stated that the choice the tech giant offers currently to consumers us unfair and illegal.”
EU-Verbraucherorganisationen reichen Beschwerde gegen Meta ein
ORF (30 November 2023)
“Consumer advocates criticise the fact that users cannot use Facebook or Instagram until they have made their choice.”
Facebook et Instagram payants : des associations européennes de consommateurs déposent une plainte contre Meta
Le Monde (30 November 2023)
“...European consumer groups are opening a new front in the war against Meta’s new subscription options.”
Consumatori UE contro Meta, ‘modello abonnamento ingiusto’
ANSA (1 December 2023)
…”it constitutes an aggressive practiceunder consumer law”…
Entreprises - L’abonnement payant à Facebook : le chant du cygne du modèle économique des Gafam
Le Soir (2 December 2023)
…Illegal, misleading, extortionate…the complaints are rolling in from around Europe…
Zlevníme Facebook a Instagram, dušuje se Meta kvůli regulátorům
Novinky (20 March 2024)
…Meta uses dishonest, deceptive and aggressive practices…
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs