Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete


BEUC network

All our members

Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete



The Association of Conscious Consumers (ACC) was established in 2001. The ACC focuses on sustainable and ethical consumption; the aim of the organisation is to make consumers aware of the environmental, social, and ethical aspects of their consumption and to help them to live more sustainable lifestyles and to make ethical choices.  Within sustainable consumption ACC works mainly, but not exclusively, in the following fields: food consumption, local and global supply chains, household chemicals, advertising, consumer rights, product and service testing.

ACC disseminates information, delivers campaigns, educates and builds communities, conducts background research, and lobbies decision makers to achieve this aim.

We are proud of
  • In 2004 the ACC was the first to publish an online sustainable lifestyle magazine in Hungary: www.tudatosvasarlo.hu, 1.2-1.4 million individual readers annually
  • Publishes 15-20 product and service tests annually to help consumers to find more sustainable products
  • ACC developed training series to help consumers and farmers to form successful Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) initiatives, since 2009 1200 participants took part in our trainings and related conferences.
  • In 2009 the ACC started a household behaviour change program for sustainable lifestyles – to date 1500 household participated.
  • Our mission is to raise awareness and promote Fair Trade, consumers can access the most content about Fair Trade on our sites
  • In 2018 started a five-year long campaign and behaviour change program for the green and safe use of household chemicals in Hungary
  • Member of the following organisations: Global Action Plan International, Consumers International,  International Consumer Research and Testing, Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (BEUC)
  • Founded in 2001
  • A BEUC member since 2019
  • Social Media engagement: 100,000
  • Website visit: 1.2-1.4 million individual visitors annually