Stiftung Warentest
Stiftung Warentest is a German foundation and independent consumer organisation. It conducts comparative tests of goods and services to provide consumers with independent and objective support.
The foundation purchases test samples anonymously and uses services undercover. The product tests take place according to scientific methods in independent institutes. Stiftung Warentest rates - from very good to poor - exclusively on the basis of the objectified test results.
The Foundation's magazines, test and Finanztest, as well as the portal are advert-free. High circulation and website access figures as well as a level of awareness of over 90 percent make the foundation Germany's most important test organisation.
Stiftung Warentest was established in 1964 by the German federal parliament and is based in Berlin.
Decisive improvement in safety, quality and environmental performance of numerous products; detection of plasticisers and prohibited heat treatment in olive oil; detection of added sugars in fruit juices; implementation of side impact tests during tests of children's car seats; detection of harmful PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in a wide variety of products, such as children’s toys, prams, DIY tools, sports equipment; development of environmentally friendly laundry detergents; improvement of the insurance terms and conditions in the field of occupational disability insurances; definition of a basic protection codex in the area of civil liability insurance, adopted by the insurance industry.
- Founded in 1964
- A BEUC member since 1965
- Just under 400 staff