Spoločnosť ochrany spotrebiteľov (S.O.S.)
Spoločnosť ochrany spotrebiteľov is a Slovak consumer organisation, which provides free advice to consumers through local consumer centers, helping them with all sorts of consumer disputes and in selected cases, representing them in court.
SOS works as the registered ADR/ODR body for consumer disputes and is active in the national implementation process of Representative Action Directive. For the last four years, energy became one of the main priorities of SOS. We organised many workshops for different vulnerable groups of energy consumers and institutions. The organisation is also very active in communicating with different national stakeholders. SOS is actively involved in the realisation of national Conception for protection of vulnerable users of energy, coordinated by the Slovak Regulatory Office for Network Industries.
In 2022, SOS organized its first collective purchase campaign (CPC) for photovoltaic systems for family houses and gained a lot of practical experiences about market research, market performance, installation capacities, administrative and technical barriers and communication.
SOS advocates for legislative improvements and better protection of vulnerable groups of consumers. One of the organisation’s main priorities is the education of different communities of consumers through media, printed publications, leaflets and individual trainings not only for consumers, but also for small and medium enterprises and other professionals working in the field of consumer protection.
SOS works closely also with consumers with health disabilities and raise awareness between them through the translation of all materials and trainings in Braille language and/or to sign language for people with hearing difficulties.
The vice president of SOS is a member of the Energy Committee of the Slovak national parliament, represented Slovak consumer organisations in the European consultative consumer group (ECCG) for three mandates (2013-2022) and is also a member of Consumer Policy Advisory Group (CPAG) since 2022. SOS is also a member of the clima coalition, which advocates for ambitious climate targets and energy efficient solutions for single consumers, households and private and public buildings renovations.
- Founded in 2009
- Member of BEUC since 2017
- Number of staff (no employees): 10
Website: www.sospotrebitelov.sk