Fogyasztóvédelmi Egyesületek Országos Szövetsége - FEOSZ
National Federation of Associations for Consumer Protection (NFACPH) is a federation of associations for consumer protection. It acts not only in favour of its member organisations, but also the public interest in conformity with the 1997 Hungarian Law on consumer protection. Among the aims of the Federation are the development of conscientious consumer behaviour, the education of consumer protection professionals and the promotion of consumer interests.
Success Stories
- Member of the following governmental bodies: National Board Against Counterfeiting, Hungarian Parliament’s Committee on Consumer Protection, Hungarian Board on Consumer Protection
- Winner of the Award ‘Best Children’s Prize, 2008’ for the best awareness raising campaign for young consumers in the European Union
- Organised National School Camp on Consumer Protection for 100 pupils and their teachers in 2013 near Lake Balaton
- Developed a computer adventure game on consumer protection, working with the online consumer newspaper ‘Consumers’ Newspaper’
- Launched many procedures at the competent Hungarian authority defending the rights of consumers
- Brought many companies to court over unfair contract terms, reached agreements in most of these judicial processes
- Founded in 2001
- A BEUC member since 2013
- A Consumers International member since 2007
- 50 staff and volunteers
- Members in 2013: 13 associations for consumer protection
- Website visits: 4,000 per month
- Consumers advised in 2012: 2,500