Consumentenbond is the general Dutch consumer organization. It is an independent membership organisation with about 400,000 members, who are represented by a member parliament.
It’s mission is to build, together with consumers, good functioning, safe and fair markets, where-in consumers can easily find what they are looking for and get what they’re entitled to. Consumentenbond is the trusted voice for consumers and the platform to bring them together.
In many fields, like food (safety), finance, digital products and services, household appliances, health care, transport, recreation and consumer rights Consumentenbond has delivered many successes for all Dutch consumers, too many to mention.
Milestones were the realisation of the broad consumer law “Warenwet”, and the inclusion of basic consumer rights in the Dutch Civil Rights “Burgerlijk Wetboek”, including (since 2020) the right of collective redress.
Several national authorities are watchdogs for the consumer interests, like the general Dutch Authority Consumer & Market (ACM), the financial watchdog Authority Financial Markets (AFM) and the privacy watchdog Authority Personal data (AP).
- Founded in 1953
- A BEUC founding member
- 210 staff
- Members in 2019: 420,000
- Approximately 200,000 customer contacts on a yearly basis