Consommation, logement et cadre de vie – CLCV


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Consommation, logement et cadre de vie – CLCV


CLCV is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1952. The second largest consumer organisation in France, it is a grassroots organisation with 400 local branches. By lobbying and research activities at national level, CLCV protects consumers and gives advice on areas relating to everyday life such as nutrition, housing and environment.It also takes legal action to enforce consumer rights when appropriate.

Success Stories

The implementation of legislation on consumer credit and a procedure for dealing with over-indebtedness.

  • Founded in 1952
  • A BEUC member since 1991
  • 15 staff
  • Members in 2011: 31,000
  • Consumers advised last year: 100,000