About us

About us

About us

About us
This site www.whereismymeatfrom.eu has been put together by the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) as part of a campaign launched together with member organisations from 14 countries. It calls for mandatory “Country of Origin Labelling” (‘COOL’) of meat in processed products.

The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) acts as the umbrella group in Brussels for its members and our main task is to represent them at European stage and defend the interests of all Europe’s consumers.

BEUC investigates EU decisions and developments likely to affect consumers, with a special focus on five areas identified as priorities by our members: Financial Services, Food, Digital Rights, Consumer Rights & Enforcement and Sustainability.

Rue d'Arlon, 80 Bte 1
B - 1040 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 743 15 90
Fax: +32 2 740 28 02
E-mail: consumers@beuc.eu

BEUC is registered as a non-profit organisation under Belgian law (AISBL). The statutes of our organisation contain our guiding principles: how we are organised, who can become member and how decisions are taken. Our statutes are available in English, French and German.

BEUC is registered in the EU Register of Interest Representatives under the number 9505781573-45.

The content of the website www.whereismymeatfrom.eu and all its materials are subject to copyright with BEUC.

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