EU mandate 2024-2029: Europe, consumers count on you

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EU mandate 2024-2029: Europe, consumers count on you

EU mandate 2024-2029: Europe, consumers count on you

Many of the rules agreed in Brussels and Strasbourg impact consumers’ lives a great deal. Some EU successes are quite famous, such as the ban of plastic straws, the universal phone charger or the end of phone roaming fees when traveling abroad. Others have hit fewer headlines but are no less important for consumers. For instance, vulnerable energy consumers are protected from being disconnected from the grid; or consumers can go to court as a group when they have suffered the same harm.

What do we ask?

Consumer organisations want Europeans to live in a fair market – online and offline – where the sustainable choice is the easy and affordable choice, and digitalisation works to the benefit of all.

Europe, consumers count on you…

…for homes that are affordable to power, heat and cool
…for healthy and sustainable food that is available and affordable
…to ensure that what is considered ‘sustainable’ is truly sustainable  
…for a fair and protective digital environment
…for effective rights, redress, and enforcement.
…for medicines that are available and affordable
…to make train trips within and between countries easier
…for toxic-free products: from cosmetics to kitchenware  
…to ensure emerging technologies benefit, not harm, our lives
…to ensure we can pay, save, invest, and borrow with confidence. 


What is our vision for the 2024-2029 mandate?

The BEUC network of consumer organisations is counting on the new EU institutions to build upon the wins from the first Von der Leyen Commission. For instance, while the Green Deal needs to move ahead and deliver its high-level political targets on the ground, new digital markets and artificial intelligence legislation will need to be rolled out and enforced.

We expect the Commission to modernise its competition approach to ensure a level-playing field where business has the incentive to invest, innovate and contribute to Europe’s sustainable growth. However, the Commission must ensure that boosting competitiveness of European business does not undermine consumers’ choice, quality and value for money. Competition policy must remain an essential instrument to protect consumers in our social market economy.

Equally important: enforcement, enforcement, and – yes – more enforcement. The EU has adopted crucial legislation in many domains of our daily lives but too often Member States’ authorities don’t cooperate with each other or enforce them swiftly and thoroughly. We strongly expect the Commission to ensure the European and national competent authorities effectively enforce EU laws. This will help consumers benefit from the rights and protections the European rules grant them.

EU elections: cover of beuc publications


BEUC priorities the next European Parliament (2024-2029)
BEUC priorities for the next European Commission (2024-2029), October 2023

BEUC Consumer mission letters to EU Commissioners:

Mr Michael McGrath, Commissioner for Democracy, Justice, the Rule of Law and Consumer Protection
Ms Teresa Ribera Rodríguez, Executive Vice President for Clean, Just and Competitive Transition
Ms Henna Virkkunen, Executive Vice President for Tech Sovereignty, Security and Democracy
Mr Stéphane Séjourné, Executive Vice President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy
Ms Roxana Mînzatu, Executive Vice President for Skills, Education, Quality Jobs and Social Rights
Mr Raffaele Fitto, Executive Vice President for Cohesion and Reforms
Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security; Interinstitutional Relations and Transparency
Mr Valdis Dombrovskis, Commissioner for Economy and Productivity and Commissioner for Implementation and Simplification
Mr Wopke Hoekstra, Commissioner for Climate, Net Zero and Clean Growth
Ms Maria Luís Albuquerque, Commissioner for Financial Services and the Savings and Investments Union
Mr Christophe Hansen, Commissioner for Agriculture and Food
Ms Jessika Roswall, Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and a Competitive Circular Economy
Mr Dan Jørgensen, Commissioner for Energy and Housing
Mr Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism
Ms Hadja Lahbib, Commissioner for Preparedness and Crisis Management; Equality
Mr Glenn Micallef, Commissioner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport
Mr Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare

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The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs

Pauline Constant, BEUC
Pauline Constant
Director, Communications