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Position paper
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Online reviews are an important element of consumers’ online purchasing decision. They allow consumers to easily compare feedback and appreciations before making their choice. However, how can consumer know they are genuine, and can they rely on them?
This position paper recommends to both improve online reviews regulation in the context of the upcoming Digital Fairness Fitness Act and, improve the enforcement of existing EU legislation applicable to online reviews (e.g., UCPD, DSA).
This position paper recommends to both improve online reviews regulation in the context of the upcoming Digital Fairness Fitness Act and, improve the enforcement of existing EU legislation applicable to online reviews (e.g., UCPD, DSA).
Press release
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Today, the European Commission and the network of consumer protection authorities (CPC-Network) announced a coordinated action against Swedish video games developer Star Stable for suspected infringements on EU consumer law. The action is coordinated by the Swedish and Norwegian consumer authorities. BEUC welcomes this action, yet more needs to still must be done to ensure safe gaming environments for all.
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In 2013, the European Commission proposed to update the Air Passenger Rights Regulation, a 2004 Regulation giving important rights to passengers when flights are cancelled or delayed. However, since then the file has been blocked in the Council of the European Union. The proposal is now back on the negotiating table, in need of a revamp.
Position paper
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Following over a decade of political deadlock in the Council of the EU, the 2013 Commission’s proposal to review the Air Passenger Rights Regulation is back on the negotiating table and the original text is in need of a revamp. This publication contains our revised position on key air passenger rights.
Press release
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The EU Commission has published today its e-commerce Communication to tackle the many problems consumers face when shopping online. BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation, welcomes the plan and calls for swift action to enforce rigorously existing laws around chemicals, online platforms and product safety and to wrap up important legislation.
Press release
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As negotiations on the reform of passenger rights move full steam ahead, BEUC warns that this legislative train is dangerously off track. The Hungarian EU Presidency plans to reach a General Agreement within a few weeks, but the current proposals fall short of adequately protecting consumers. We urge Member States to make decisive changes to ensure consumers can confidently exercise their rights.